How to change the Squarespace cookie banner design

Create a more stylish Squarespace cookie banner

Tired of the mundane and lackluster appearance of your Squarespace cookie banner? I get it! – the default design can be a bit dull. But fear not, because in this blog post, we're about to shake things up and inject some much-needed sass and style into your website's cookie notification. Say goodbye to the ordinary and hello to a cookie banner that not only complies with regulations but also stands out with flair. Let’s guide you through the process of transforming your Squarespace cookie banner into a stylish and eye-catching element that seamlessly integrates with your brand.

Add the below code into your custom CSS area

Go to Website > Website Tools > Custom CSS > then paste the below code, then hit save.

See the notes in the code below to change the colors and styles to suit your branding…

/*cookie banner styles*/

.sqs-cookie-banner-v2 {box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px rgb(44, 52, 60); //shadow

background-color:#FFF!important;} //background color

.sqs-cookie-banner-v2 {color:#000!important; //font color

border: 2px solid #000000; //border

border-radius: 20px; //border radius


//Button shape for accept decline

.sqs-cookie-banner-v2-accept, .sqs-cookie-banner-v2-deny {box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px #ccc;

border-radius: 10px;

padding: 10px !important;}

//button hover color

.sqs-cookie-banner-v2-accept:hover, .sqs-cookie-banner-v2-deny:hover

{background-color: #E5E1D0;}

There you have it – a Squarespace cookie banner that not only informs your visitors but also adds a touch of personality to your Squarespace site. Remember, standing out doesn't always require a complete website overhaul; sometimes, it's the small details that make the biggest impact. So, why settle for a cookie banner that fades into the background when you can make it a stylish focal point?

Let your Squarespace cookie banner reflect the unique identity of your website and brand. Say goodbye to the boring banner! Your visitors will thank you, and your website will thank you – happy styling!

You might also be interested in this guide on ‘how to force the mobile menu on desktop and tablet screens

So thats my guide on how to create a a much more stylish Squarespace cookie banner design. For more Squarespace tips and hacks sign up to my newsletter below to be the first to catch them fresh!

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Toni Williams - Founder of The Square Genius

Hi, I’m Toni. My mission is to create powerful websites for charities, non profits and purpose-led organisations dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment, communities, animal welfare and many more. I am also a CSS enthusiast and love to create cool plugins for Squarespace websites.

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